This project was featured on the Amp Hour Podcast on 4/18/2011

If you thought I could only use the SudoGlove to drive RC cars and make music (depending on your definition of music), then you’re wrong! It appears that I can also use it to convince TV producers to put me on the discovery channel. Discovery Channel’s Daily Planet show reached out to me about the glove following the presentation I did at BOOM a few weeks ago. Cornell sends out a press release about the projects, and Daily Planet seemed to like the idea.
So, after about 7 hours of filming (no, that’s not a typo) with a crew at Cornell two weeks ago, a segment on the SudoGlove aired this past week!
You are great person. I really appreciate what you did, and how you delivered your tutorials. Although, we not meet, but you are my lecturer. :)
Thanks, and I hope once a day we meet!!
Trust me,,
I am following your resume line by line to get myself into the world of electronics and engineering like you.
you’re a very good teacher, great person and excellent expert of ur Domain
You are the man. And good teacher for us.