I’m really excited to share what I did this summer. Or rather, I suppose I should say that I’m excited to share what a lot of other people did this summer. I’m talking about my students at BlueStamp Engineering (pictured above)! In addition to working at MakerBot & doing some consulting, I also spent six weeks teaching an intensive summer engineering program for highschool students.
You may recall that I guest lectured at BlueStamp a couple of times last summer. This year, I came back as the instructor, and taught the entire program! I had the opportunity to work with some spectacular students, with projects including geiger counters, GPS rovers, wind turbines, weather stations, and more. Lots of these projects were based on some open source projects that you can find around the web, but every student in the class found ways to make their projects uniquely their own. What’s the best part? They didn’t just learn tons of engineering skills, they had the opportunity to join a community of engineers by developing open source projects and giving back. I taught all the students how to use github, and you can find beautiful documentation for the work that they did on their github pages (See the descriptions in their youtube videos). Check out this playlist of student projects:
Here are some photos that I took of my students working on their projects during the summer:
Do you want to see these projects in person!? You’re in luck, because you’ll be able to find me and my class at the 2012 World Maker Faire in NYC in just a few weeks. Look for the BlueStamp Engineering booth!
Great job!
You guys are providing an amazing opportunity to these students!
The GPS rover and wind turbine are really cool! I’d love to learn the math and circuitry involved.