I’m officially a college graduate. But the work is just beginning. I’ve got lots of announcements coming up in the next few weeks, so keep your eyes on my blog! First up, I want to explain what I’ll be working on this summer: SUNN. For the last year, I’ve been developing a Hybrid Fiber Optic LED lighting system capable of piping natural sunlight into any room in any building using fiber optic cables; this was my masters thesis project at Cornell. The system included a heliostat, fiber optic transport cables, a control system complete with multiple servers and a mobile app, a custom luminaire, and printed circuit boards/software that I designed to supplement the natural light with color-tuned natural lighting. My team and I presented this work on the National Mall in Washington, DC, for the National Sustainable Design Expo in April You can read more about this research (and find lots of photos) in my portfolio.
While researching and developing this system as part of the masters program at Cornell, I was working with John Ciecholewski and Kelton Minor through Cornell’s eLab startup accelerator to commercialize a technology inspired by, but separate from, this research. We’ve formed a company SUNN, and we’ll be working in NY city this summer to turn our prototypes into revolutionary lighting products with the aim of drastically improving people’s quality of life both at home and at work by giving them access to better-quality light, at all times. You can learn a bit more about SUNN on my portfolio page, but you should follow us on twitter/facebook, and visit our website if you want to get updates as we release more information.
I love your intuition. What is the different between the LED light and Sunn. Will the power consumption be less than what we got with LED light technology now. What of long life of the technology better than LED light technology. We are waiting to see the product, Keep the good work.
Ladipo K.O (FUT Akure, Nigeria)
SUNN bulbs use LED technology, so their lifespan and performance is comparable.
hey jeremy listen we are making an innovative project in which we are producing electricity from our heartbeat so for that we require peizoelelectric crystals can you suggest my from where i can get it
You aren’t going to be able to harness any reasonable amount of piezo electric energy from a heartbeat
hey your work is really inspiring.. actually i too am doing a project called hybrid solar lighting which is very much similar to what you are planning to do.. the problem is the diffusing mechanism.. after bringing in light through optical fibre, we aren’t able to diffuse it properly as in taking that light from optical fibre.. can you suggest some diffusers or any other diffusing mechanism you can think of.. and again we have to couple it with leds so that automatically when enought sunlight is not available, we should be able to make that up with leds automatically.. so if you could help us with this..
Consider using a polished reflector dish to create indirect lighting.
yeah we tried that already but light through optical fibre was’t reaching the reflector properly and the loss was too much so we thought we’l use some diffuser placed very close to the end of optical fibre.. but now the problem is designing of diffuser because we want proper divergence of light coming out of optical fibre..
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I love your inspiring. Actually At Impact Lighting we offer the best in LED fiberoptic illumination and retrofits for traditional metal halide systems such as EFO 800, EFO 700, EFO-068, EFO-068-D, EFO-068-SC-D, EFO-068-SC, EFO-068-AG, EFO-068-AG-SC, EFO11, and EFO33 products. only manufacturer of fiber for lighting and a major manufacturer and supplier of complete fibre optic lighting.
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