TLDR; I’m donating all July royalties from my book sales to support scholarships for sending female students to the 2015 Open Hardware Summit.
As followers of my blog already know, I’ve been to my fair share of Open Hardware Summits (the last four, consecutively) and I’m a charter member of the Open Source Hardware Association. The Open Source Hardware community has played a huge role in shaping my development as an electrical engineer. My first experiences working with electronics came from people on the internet who shared their knowledge freely. I spent several years working for Makerbot (back when it was at the forefront of the Open Source Hardware movement) and I spent time hacking at the NYC Resistor Hackerspace. Most importantly, I have given back to the community that has given me so much, by releasing tons of free videos, writing a book, and donating money and time to help “maker” organizations.
Although I’m fortunate enough to work with many talented female engineers, it’s quite clear that women are under-represented in most Engineering fields. In an effort to help get female students excited about the impact they can have as engineers, I’ll be donating 100% of my July book sale revenues to the Open Hardware Summit’s fund for sponsoring female students.
What does this mean for you? It means that if you buy a copy of “Exploring Arduino” in the month of July, you’ll be educating both yourself and a future female engineer. What do you have to lose!?
Note: Sales numbers are always estimates, so I’ll do my best to get accurate estimates from my publisher, and I’ll round up if I’m unsure of the exact sale quantity. Since my book is now available in multiple languages (English, Spanish, Korean, and Russian), I’ll do my best to include sales estimates from all editions).
Hi, I am iranian. I have a question, please help me. I have a project about detect path of cameraُs shake by Arduino and Matlab. I am amator , plese help me