Brraaaiiiiinnnnsssss!!! When the zombie apocalypse inevitably occurs, will you be ready? I recently served as the Technical Editor for Simon Monk’s latest book, “The Maker’s Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse.” The book introduces novice makers to electronics and programming through the lens of a theoretical zombie apocalypse. Learn how to use Arduino and Raspberry Pi to build surveillance equipment, zombie distractions, booby traps, and more!
I’m not new to the topic of zombies – you might recall some of my previous guest appearances on the zombietech podcast. The zombie apocalypse, though unlikely, is actually a perfect scenario for learning new technical skills. In a post-apocalyptic world, you’ll need to generate power, set up surveillance systems, establish secure communications, and more. These are all perfect topics to be conquered with knowledge of Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and simple electrical engineering. Doing the technical editing for this book was a lot of fun – Simon did an excellent job authoring the book and the projects therein. And Simon isn’t new to writing electronics books; you can check out some of his other books on Amazon. Of course, my book, Exploring Arduino, is a great companion to this one if you want to dive deeper into Arduino projects and embedded engineering/design – it gets a nice shout-out from Simon in his book, too.
Go grab a copy of “The Maker’s Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse” on Amazon!
Here’s some shots of the front/back of the book and the author/editor bios:

This looks interesting and there is a kindle version as well!