This research was featured in IEEE Spectrum on 02/21/2012
This research was featured on the Wired Magazine’s “Beyond the Beyond” Blog on 02/21/2012
This research was featured on the Make Magazine Blog on 02/21/2012
This research was featured on the BoingBoing Blog on 02/22/2012
This research was featured on the Engadget Blog on 02/23/2012
This research was featured in the Cornell Chronicle on 02/27/2012
This research was featured on the Ponoko Blog on 03/01/2012

This past week, we finally uploaded the video for the “machine metabolism” robot that I helped develop in Cornell’s Creative Machines Lab over the past few years. The project was directed by Professor Hod Lipson, my research advisor, with the mechanical and iterative design being done by Franz Nigl, a former visiting scientist, and Shuguang Li, a former visiting Ph.D. student. I was responsible for the development of the electronics platform, and the software (written in C for an Atmega-based microcontroller) that was used in the robot shown in the photo above.
You can learn more about the goals of this project (and why we call it “machine metabolism”) on the lab’s research page, or in my portfolio. In short, this robot is capable of traversing a truss structure and reassembling it into a different configuration. Future implications include repair on the international space station, improved construction-zone safety, and autonomous skyscraper construction. Check out the video below to see it in action!