Category: Ramblings

Creative Architecture Machines

Last month, I had the unique pleasure of serving as a guest judge at the final review for students in the “Creative Architecture Machines” studio course at the California College of the Arts (CCA). 6 groups each created a truly remarkable machine, and they’ve documented all the details you need to make your own!

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Year of Open Source

This was so cool, it simply had to be shared.  Sam Muirhead, a filmmaker in Berlin, is going to attempt something so awesome, that I can’t help but to be excited.  Sam’s plan is to spend an entire year living open source.  I don’t just mean using linux and ditching apple products.[…]

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Help Put me on a Times Square Billboard!

Update: I didn’t win, but thanks for voting, and congrats to all the people who did win! I’m calling in a favor! (a really awesome website if you aren’t familiar with it) is holding a contest to put some of its highest-rated profiles on a giant screen in New[…]

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Audacious Arduino Arguments on the Amp Hour

I’m a long-time fan of the Amp Hour Podcast, hosted by Chris Gammell and Dave Jones.  This week, Jeff Keyzer and I were invited to guest host with them!  This was an Arduino-centric episode (I’m not sure if that was my fault at all…), but we also discussed engineers working[…]

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Confronting Energy Demand Using Renewables

This is a cross-post from the original post that I made on my element14 Blog on 3/20/2011 In my last blog post I talked about how we can define sustainability, and the broader implications of “going green” that often go unexplored.  As I stressed in that post, devising new, more[…]

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Can Sustainability be Defined?

This is a cross-post from the original post that I made on my element14 Blog on 3/14/2011 Sustainability is a loaded topic.  Nobody really knows what it means – there are definitions, ideas, and opinions, but as far as I can tell, there is no single way to identify what[…]

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The Amp Hour = Awesome

I just discovered “The Amp Hour“, a seriously awesome podcast from EE gurus Dave Jones and Chris Gammell.  It’s a really fun, 1-hour, weekly rant about anything and everything happening in the world of electronics and engineering.  Admittedly, I have a small ulterior motive in posting this, since I was[…]

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Building an Engineer [Ignite Talk 2010]

This video was featured on the Adafruit Blog on 12/22/10 This video was featured on the Dangerous Prototypes Blog on 12/22/10 This video was featured on the Makezine Blog on 12/22/10 The talented Jonas Neubert, an associate of mine from Cornell’s Computational Synthesis Lab, as well as the organizer of[…]

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