Creative Architecture Machines
Last month, I had the unique pleasure of serving as a guest judge at the final review for students in the “Creative Architecture Machines” studio course at the California College of the Arts (CCA). 6 groups each created a truly remarkable machine, and they’ve documented all the details you need to make your own!
2013 Open Hardware Summit
This year, I attended the annual Open Hardware Summit for the third consecutive time. This post is a brief update on the summit and the state of Open Source Hardware.
Reporting In from the 2012 Open Hardware Summit and World Maker Faire
I just got back from the 3rd annual Open Hardware Summit and World Maker Faire. It’s been a whirlwind week of robots, 3D Printers, inspiring talks, education, networking and more. I’m excited to share all the details!
Year of Open Source
This was so cool, it simply had to be shared. Sam Muirhead, a filmmaker in Berlin, is going to attempt something so awesome, that I can’t help but to be excited. Sam’s plan is to spend an entire year living open source. I don’t just mean using linux and ditching apple products.[…]
Help Put me on a Times Square Billboard!
Update: I didn’t win, but thanks for voting, and congrats to all the people who did win! I’m calling in a favor! (a really awesome website if you aren’t familiar with it) is holding a contest to put some of its highest-rated profiles on a giant screen in New[…]
Audacious Arduino Arguments on the Amp Hour
I’m a long-time fan of the Amp Hour Podcast, hosted by Chris Gammell and Dave Jones. This week, Jeff Keyzer and I were invited to guest host with them! This was an Arduino-centric episode (I’m not sure if that was my fault at all…), but we also discussed engineers working[…]
Confronting Energy Demand Using Renewables
This is a cross-post from the original post that I made on my element14 Blog on 3/20/2011 In my last blog post I talked about how we can define sustainability, and the broader implications of “going green” that often go unexplored. As I stressed in that post, devising new, more[…]
Can Sustainability be Defined?
This is a cross-post from the original post that I made on my element14 Blog on 3/14/2011 Sustainability is a loaded topic. Nobody really knows what it means – there are definitions, ideas, and opinions, but as far as I can tell, there is no single way to identify what[…]
The Amp Hour = Awesome
I just discovered “The Amp Hour“, a seriously awesome podcast from EE gurus Dave Jones and Chris Gammell. It’s a really fun, 1-hour, weekly rant about anything and everything happening in the world of electronics and engineering. Admittedly, I have a small ulterior motive in posting this, since I was[…]
Building an Engineer [Ignite Talk 2010]
This video was featured on the Adafruit Blog on 12/22/10 This video was featured on the Dangerous Prototypes Blog on 12/22/10 This video was featured on the Makezine Blog on 12/22/10 The talented Jonas Neubert, an associate of mine from Cornell’s Computational Synthesis Lab, as well as the organizer of[…]