Search Results

77 results found for "arduino".

Driving 5 Speakers Simultaneously with an Arduino

This post was featured on the Hack-a-Day Blog on 9/14/10 Mimi Yin has a neat implementation of this code for an interactive sculpture. I’m working on a project where I want to drive 5 speakers independently – each with a variable volume and set frequency (though the frequency of each[…]

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Arduino-Powered Jack-in-the-Box Toy

Remember the last design project I posted?  Well this second one is for the same Physical Computing class, but is totally different.  This time, the assignment was to create a Jack-in-the-Box toy.   To make mine unique I added password protection and an alarm system to the box.  Check out the[…]

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A Word Clock Built with Love

I built this “Word Clock” for my girlfriend. A handcrafted walnut frame houses an 8×8″ RGB LED panel that shines though a laser-cut steel stencil with the aid of some 3D printed lattices, a diffuser, and a RTC-equipped Raspberry Pi computer.

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The Maker’s Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse

Brraaaiiiiinnnnsssss!!! When the zombie apocalypse inevitably occurs, will you be ready? I recently served as the Technical Editor for Simon Monk’s latest book, “The Maker’s Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse.” The book introduces novice makers to electronics and programming through the lens of a theoretical zombie apocalypse. Learn how to use Arduino and Raspberry Pi to build surveillance equipment, zombie distractions, booby traps, and more!

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LittleBits Hue Lighting Controller

My (Open Source) LittleBits Hue Lighting Controller project leverages the LittleBits Arduino Bit, a small linux computer (like a BeagleBone, Raspberry Pi, or UDOO), and the Philips Hue Hub to easily control the state, brightness, and color of your Hue lightbulbs via a tactile interface.

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