Tag: bot

DeepNote Walkthrough video

I’m excited to announce the release of the DeepNote Walkthrough video. It is a full, detailed explanation of how the bot works. It will be submitted along with our contest entry to parallax to compete in the upcoming propeller design challenge.

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Work Continues, Camera Battery Dies

Oops, I forget to charge my camera battery, so no pictures today we managed to get some the next day (posted below), but here’s what we’ve done recently. We completely finshed the metal rack that will hold the sensors, and accompanying tripod mount for it.  Using module components, we are[…]

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Exciting Developments

It may be hard to believe, but somehow, we are still working on the bot :) Here’s what I’ve got for ya: The delay switch is now fully programmed and functional.  This means that the distance between the sensor bar and the bottom of the screen can be adjusted on[…]

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Testing Mounting Solutions

As we finish tweaking our programming, we’ve been testing options for mounting our sensors. After first experimenting with a plexiglass mount, we moved on to velcro (with a temporary lego and K’nex mount). That was too difficult to adjust, so we finally mounted the boards on rails. We’ve ordered sliding[…]

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Moving Towards a Finalized Design

Today was dedicated to getting a working prototype of the guitar in its nearly final form. Since we have redesigned the control board, we modified the original design by cutting connections and jumpering pins to get it working with the programming. This is only temporary for testing purposes. All of[…]

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