MakerBot Digitizer Announcement
At SXSW this past week, MakerBot announced the Digitizer, a personal 3D scanner that, when paired with the MakerBot Replicator, will allow you literally “copy” real-world objects. I designed the electronics and firmware for the prototype that was displayed at SXSW.
Reporting In from the 2012 Open Hardware Summit and World Maker Faire
I just got back from the 3rd annual Open Hardware Summit and World Maker Faire. It’s been a whirlwind week of robots, 3D Printers, inspiring talks, education, networking and more. I’m excited to share all the details!
EEVBlog Does a Tear-Down of the MakerBot Replicator
Dave Jones, fellow Electrical Engineer and Youtuber, recently received a MakerBot Replicator. In this video, Dave delivers a thorough investigation of the machine and the MightyBoard electronics that I developed for it. Check it out for a close look at how the MakerBot ticks!
The MakerBot Replicator has Landed
Tthe 3rd Generation MakerBot 3D Printer, “The Replicator”, is here! For several months I’ve been working for MakerBot, designing the all-new electronics that control the Replicator. Prepare for a revolution in personal manufacturing.
Cornell Daily Sun Science Spotlight
I was recently profiled (along with Brian Shiffer – a fellow hacker and good friend) in the Cornell Daily Sun. You can read the whole article here. Both of us attended MakerFaire NYC and the Open Hardware Summit. I presented my sudoglove at the Open Hardware Summit, and I worked[…]
Open Hardware Summit and Maker Faire Wrapup
Yes, that’s me with the Arduino Team at Makerfaire! If you follow me on twitter, then you’ll certainly know that I spent last weekend in New York City for the 2nd Annual Open Hardware Summit and the 2011 World Maker Faire. I covered the Open Hardware Summit for element14 Electronics (hence[…]
MakerBot Thing-O-Matic Build Timelapse
This video is long overdue. I put my very own MakerBot 3D Printer together during my last week working at MakerBot this summer. In case you can’t tell from the video, I pulled a Red Bull and pizza-fueled all-nighter to assemble it. It was more fun that way. Big thanks are[…]
Hacker Highlights: Easton’s Hand Strikes Again
This post was featured on on 8/29/2011 This post was featured on on 9/01/2011 This post was featured on on 9/01/2011 Remember [Easton’s] Robotic Hand from a few months ago? We’ll he hasn’t been resting on his laurels since winning the regional science fair and going to[…]
My First (Useful) Makerbot Print!
If you’re a regular reader of my blog, or if you follow me on twitter, you probably know that I’m working at Makerbot Industries this summer. It’s been a blast so far – everybody is very intelligent, and truely excited about the work they are doing. I’ve been working on[…]