Tag: makerbot

MakerBot Digitizer Announcement

At SXSW this past week, MakerBot announced the Digitizer, a personal 3D scanner that, when paired with the MakerBot Replicator, will allow you literally “copy” real-world objects. I designed the electronics and firmware for the prototype that was displayed at SXSW.

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The MakerBot Replicator has Landed

Tthe 3rd Generation MakerBot 3D Printer, “The Replicator”, is here! For several months I’ve been working for MakerBot, designing the all-new electronics that control the Replicator. Prepare for a revolution in personal manufacturing.

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Cornell Daily Sun Science Spotlight

I was recently profiled (along with Brian Shiffer – a fellow hacker and good friend) in the Cornell Daily Sun.  You can read the whole article here.  Both of us attended MakerFaire NYC and the Open Hardware Summit.  I presented my sudoglove at the Open Hardware Summit, and I worked[…]

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Open Hardware Summit and Maker Faire Wrapup

Yes, that’s me with the Arduino Team at Makerfaire! If you follow me on twitter, then you’ll certainly know that I spent last weekend in New York City for the 2nd Annual Open Hardware Summit and the 2011 World Maker Faire.  I covered the Open Hardware Summit for element14 Electronics (hence[…]

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MakerBot Thing-O-Matic Build Timelapse

This video is long overdue.  I put my very own MakerBot 3D Printer together during my last week working at MakerBot this summer.  In case you can’t tell from the video, I pulled a Red Bull and pizza-fueled all-nighter to assemble it.  It was more fun that way.  Big thanks are[…]

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Hacker Highlights: Easton’s Hand Strikes Again

This post was featured on on 8/29/2011 This post was featured on on 9/01/2011 This post was featured on on 9/01/2011 Remember [Easton’s] Robotic Hand from a few months ago?  We’ll he hasn’t been resting on his laurels since winning the regional science fair and going to[…]

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My First (Useful) Makerbot Print!

If you’re a regular reader of my blog, or if you follow me on twitter, you probably know that I’m working at Makerbot Industries this summer.  It’s been a blast so far – everybody is very intelligent, and truely excited about the work they are doing.  I’ve been working on[…]

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